CAMTS Global provides availability and focuses on international policies and practices. The organisation was created to better serve our European and international medical transport providers recognising not only cultural differences but government restrictions and laws of other countries while maintaining the integrity of the accreditation process worldwide.
Patients receive continuous, state of the art medical care through every mode of transportation while being provided with the utmost level of safety to maximize the medical outcome. Our accredited medical services act as competent, professional, respectful and passionate advocates for patients.
Fair - Ethical - Consistent - Accountable - Patient and Safety Focused
Accreditation Standards are dynamic and are revised every 2-3 years as a resource for current practice. Each draft of the Accreditation Standards will be posted on the website. We welcome comments and suggestions from medical transport providers and organisations involved in medical transport.
The Accreditation Standards will serve not only as a resource for site survey visits and as criteria for accreditation decisions but also be used as a blueprint for organisational planning and by medical transport services on a worldwide basis. CAMTS Global recognises and accepts its responsibility to review and evaluate the relevance and applicability of its standards. These standards are written by and for those involved in medical transport, and therefore, these standards are dedicated to the entire medical transport community. As standards are dynamic, CAMTS Global values its constituents' comments and suggestions for future changes.
Accreditation Standards and drafts for changes to the standards can be found as a free download on the CAMTS Global website. (CLICK HERE) Visit the website to comment on standards and to see announcements of upcoming seminars and workshops.
Honest Self-Assessment
Ethical Business Practises
Patient and Safety Focused
Continuous Quality Improvement
Transparency in the Accreditation Process